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Tacoma, Washington, United States

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Rep. Duncan Blasts TSA "Pat Downs," Scanners on House Floor

Saturday, October 23, 2010

God Bless the U.S.A. by Lee Greenwood

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Congressional Reform Act of 2010

We are all aware that something has to be done to correct some of the horrendous violations of the Constitution by both parties in Congress. Here is a place to begin.

Proposed Congressional Reform Act of 2010

1. Term Limits.

8 years only, one of the possible options below..

A. Two Four-year Senate terms
B. Four Two-year House terms
C. One Eight-year Senate term and Four Two-Year House terms

2. No Tenure / No Pension.

A Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office.

3. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security.

All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress Members participate with the American people.

4. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

5. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%. Or their pay raise will be the same as Social Security cost of living increases.

6. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

7. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.
No more waivers for members of Congress making it retroactive to 1960.

8. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void effective 1/1/11.

The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen. Congressmen made all these contracts with themselves.

Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Fourth Amendment Has Been Effectively Murdered!

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Why we need to vote out all incumbents in November

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jamie Myles

My latest publications on Factoidz:
Factoidz: bite-sized knowledge
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Illegal Alien Arrested for Rape

Illegal Alien Arrested for Rape

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Should Welfare Recipients be Required to Drug Test?

Should Welfare Recipients be Required to Drug Test?

If you have to drug test to work, why should those who live off your tax dollars drug test?

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Should Elected Officials be Held Accountable to Their Sworn Oath of Office?

Should Elected Officials be Held Accountable to Their Sworn Oath of Office?

This link will be a real eye opener for those who believe that the politicians running our Country care even a little bit about the law of the land. We have law breakers making our laws!

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Monday, April 5, 2010

Your Tax $$$$ Hard at Work

Your Tax $$$$ Hard at Work

This is what we are paying them for?

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Monday, March 29, 2010

And You Thought It Wasn't About a Takeover! Obama Wants Mandatory Conversion or Confiscation of Your 401(k)s and Ira's

And You Thought It Wasn't About a Takeover! Obama Wants Mandatory Conversion or Confiscation of Your 401(k)s and Ira's

First mandatory Health care and now on to mandatory automatic enrollment into Government controlled retirement accounts. Plus they will still be taking taxes fro SSI.

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Monday, March 22, 2010

March 21, 2010 The Day Our Freedom Died!

Today the American people lost their right to representation as the Senate and House ignored the majority will of the people and pushed through their own agenda. The constitution has been deemed irrelevant by these elitists, who feel they are not answerable to the American people. They seem to forget that  Congress has enumerated powers, and forcing people to buy health insurance is not one of them. All that are a part of this unconstitutional so called "health care reform" bill have violated the oath of office. That includes President Obama. Incoming Congressmen, Presidents and Supreme Court Justices must take an oath of office, swearing that the official will uphold the Constitution.

 They swore to uphold the constitution and have instead trampled on it. They must be held accountable so that others who will come after them will not be so quick as to disregard the law of the land. 5 U.S.C. 7311 clearly specifies it is a criminal violation for any member of Congress to advocate the overthrow of our constitutional form of government. It is time for the American people to rise up and demand that the harshest of penalties be delt to these who would mock our constitution and the very oath of office that they have sworn to.
Sec. 3331. Oath of office
'Any person who shall falsely take the said oath shall be guilty of perjury; and, on conviction, in addition to the penalties now prescribed for that offense, shall be deprived of his office, and rendered incapable forever after of holding any office or place under the United States.'
Sec. 1621. Perjury generally

Whoever -

(1) having taken an oath before a competent tribunal, officer, or person, in any case in which a law of the United States authorizes an oath to be administered, that he will testify, declare, depose, or certify truly, or that any written testimony, declaration, deposition, or certificate by him subscribed, is true, willfully and contrary to such oath states or subscribes any material matter which he does not believe to be true; or (2) in any declaration, certificate, verification, or statement under penalty of perjury as permitted under section 1746 of title 28, United States Code, willfully subscribes as true any material matter which he does not believe to be true; is guilty of perjury and shall, except as otherwise expressly provided by law, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. This section is applicable whether the statement or subscription is made within or without the United States.

Whoever violates the provision of section 7311 of title 5 that an

individual may not accept or hold a position in the Government of

the United States or the government of the District of Columbia if

he -

(1) advocates the overthrow of our constitutional form of


(2) is a member of an organization that he knows advocates the

overthrow of our constitutional form of government;

(3) participates in a strike, or asserts the right to strike,

against the Government of the United States or the government of

the District of Columbia; or

(4) is a member of an organization of employees of the

Government of the United States or of individuals employed by the

government of the District of Columbia that he knows asserts the

right to strike against the Government of the United States or

the government of the District of Columbia;

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Monday, March 1, 2010

Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger (The roots of the abortion industry)

March 1925, Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood was speaking to an international birth control gathering in New York City when he stated " we must be warned of the "black" and "yellow" peril.

Margaret Sanger's colleagues included avowed and sophisticated racists. Lothrop Stoddard, was a Harvard graduate and the author of The Rising Tide of Color against White Supremacy. Stoddard was a Nazi enthusiast who described the eugenic practices of the Third Reich as "scientific" and "humanitarian." And Dr. Harry Laughlin, another Sanger associate and board member for her group, spoke of purifying America's human "breeding stock" and purging America's "bad strains." These "strains" included the "shiftless, ignorant, and worthless class of antisocial whites of the South."

Many "Pro-choice advocates try to clean up the racist origins of the Planned Parent Hood organization, but just a little research reveals the true purpose behind this

Margaret Sanger stated her goal this way,"[Slavs, Latin, and Hebrew immigrants are] human weeds ... a dead weight of human waste ... [Blacks, soldiers, and Jews are a] menace to the race. Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need ... We must prevent multiplication of this bad stock." - Margaret Sanger, April 1933 Birth Control Review.

How would she do this? In a letter to one of her partners she wrote, "The minister's work is also important and he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

Has it worked? Read the words of Al Sharpton, "I trust the decisions of women because it is a human right that Roe vs. Wade decided on. This is not about abortion, this is about human rights, this is about human dignity, this is about women having the say-so over their own body and over how they will decide to proceed with their life, and if America is to be America, we must protect women's right to choose for themselves." This statement is from the January 21, 2003 NARAL Pro-Choice America Dinner. Have you notice that all of the most prominent black ministers and politicians are all pro-choice. Did Ms. Sanger achieve her goal?

African Americans make up only 12% of the population of the United States but make up 35% of all abortions performed since 1973.

the intention of Roe v. Wade in 1973. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg put it this way, "Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of." This is a statement recorded in the July 12, 2009 edition of the New York Times.

"Women of the working class, especially wage workers, should not have more than two children at most. The average working man can support no more and and the average working woman can take care of no more in decent fashion." Margaret Sanger.

In 2007, The Advocate magazine (not The Advocate), which is run by Live Action Films, called Planned Parenthood offices in several states, offering to make donations if the money can be earmarked to abort only black women's babies. The calls included one in July 2007 to Planned Parenthood of Idaho offering a donation if it could be earmarked for abortions for black women because, "the less black kids out there the better." Answering the phone call, the state organization's vice president of development and marketing said, "Understandable, understandable" and continued, "Excuse my hesitation, this is the first time I've had a donor call and make this kind of request, so I'm excited and want to make sure I don't leave anything out."

Planned Parenthood of Idaho's CEO later issued a statement saying that the officer "violated the organization's principles and practices" and was suspended. Planned Parenthood's mission specifically prohibits racial discrimination. Hmmmm. Yet most of their clinics are in minority neighborhoods. Interesting.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Do you remember 1987... Author unknown

Thought you might be interested in this forgotten bit of...History!

 See More information.........

It was 1987! At a lecture the other day they were playing an old news video of Lt.Col. Oliver North testifying at the Iran-Contra hearings during the Reagan Administration.

There was Ollie in front of God and country getting the third degree, but what he said was stunning!

He was being drilled by a senator, 'Did you not recently spend close to $60,000 for a home security system?'

Ollie replied, 'Yes, I did, Sir.'

The senator continued, trying to get a laugh out of the audience, 'Isn't that just a little excessive?

'No, sir,' continued Ollie.

'No? And why not?' the senator asked.

'Because the lives of my family and I were threatened, sir.'

'Threatened? By whom?' the senator questioned.

'By a terrorist, sir' Ollie answered.

'Terrorist? What terrorist could possibly scare you that much?'

'His name is Osama bin Laden, sir' Ollie replied.

At this point the senator tried to repeat the name, but couldn't pronounce it, which most people back then probably couldn't. A couple of people laughed at the attempt. Then the senator continued. Why are you so afraid of this man?' the senator asked.

'Because, sir, he is the most evil person alive that I know of', Ollie answered.

'And what do you recommend we do about him?' asked the senator.

'Well, sir, if it was up to me, I would recommend that an assassin team be formed to eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth.'

The senator disagreed with this approach, and that was all that was shown of the clip.

By the way, that senator was Al Gore!


Terrorist pilot Mohammad Atta blew up a bus in Israel in 1986. The Israelis captured, tried and imprisoned him. As part of the Oslo agreement with the Palestinians in 1993, Israel had to agree to release so-called 'political prisoners.'

However, the Israelis would not release any with blood on their hands. The American President at the time, Bill Clinton, and his Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, 'insisted' that all prisoners be released.

Thus Mohammad Atta was freed and eventually thanked us by flying an airplane into Tower One of the World Trade Center . This was reported by many of the American TV networks at the time that the terrorists were first identified. It was censored in the US from all later reports.

If you agree that the American public should

be made aware of these facts, pass this on.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Massachusetts came through for all of us.

Well, folks, it looks like after the loss of the Mass.senate seat, that the progressives are begrudgingly making a turn on their attempt at a massive power grab. It seems that they are going to slow down the runaway train  called Health Care Reform they tried to force on us. If you have been listening to the press conferences and interviews you see a less haughty president as he finds that his charisma isn't enough to get the American people to sit back and shut up while he pushes his radical agenda forward full speed ahead. Nancy Pelosi is not quite as convinced but she will have to step back from  trying to steam roll the American public into allowing her to trample on the Constitution to ram through these bills that we have been screaming NO to.

Now I would just like to say THANK YOU to the Massachusetts voters For putting the breaks on the maddness that was going on in Congress.

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