A Department of Homeland Security document places anyone opposed to the Obama administration under suspicion of being radicals or probable domestic terrorists and at the very least, dangerous individuals.
The Department of Homeland Security (with Janet Napolitano, Obama appointee as Secretary) came out with An "intelligence report" on "right wing extremism" Titled "Right wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment." This document places anyone opposed to the Obama administration under suspicion of being radicals or probable domestic terrorists and at the very least, dangerous individuals. The list includes: Believers in the First Amendment, believers in the whole of the Tenth Amendment, people who believe that life begins at conception including most medical scientists, people who agree with the Supreme Court that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms, and any people who strongly believe the U.S. Constitution should be followed as the law of the land;
In this "report" it states that the "right-wing extremists" need to be watched by Law enforcement organizations. The reason given is that the financial news is negative and Obama is black.
What this administration is up to is even more then just a massive power grab. Mark my words, it is much more then that. They plan to do away with America as we know and love it! Their view of America is a reppression of the American people with only the elitists in any position of power. They want to subjegate the regular folks to a subserviant status without any individual rights. They firmly believe by snatching wealth and power from Individuals they will be able to acomplish their goals.
For more on this topic go to : http://newsflavor.com/opinions/is-anyone-who-disagrees-with-obama-and-his-left-wing-agenda-a-terrorist/)
All I can say is my fellow Americans stay informed and do not let the " ravenous wolves" continue to ravage our constitutional rights
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