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Tacoma, Washington, United States

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Tacoma grandmother terrorized by DSHS.

A Tacoma woman who has third party custody of her 4 grandchildren is being harassed by DSHS and threatened with the removal of the youngest grandchild who is 18 months old. The justification of the attempt to remove this precious child from a safe loving environment is that the grandmothers income is Approximately $1680.00 per month and they say that is not enough. However a single mother of 4 on AFDC has an income of considerably less to raise her children on and DSHS Say's that's ok. Another factor they are "taking into consideration" is that this child according to them is very "adoptable" and that being wrenched from home and family is something she will eventually "get over". They also have no concern as to how the loss of a sibling will affect the other children ages 6,5,and 4. DSHS receives quite a bit of financial gain by taking "adoptable" children from safe loving family homes for the sole purpose of adopting them out. This, in my opinion, is the selling of children. just follow the money. If quota's are met, there is thousands of dollars per child that goes into DSHS coffers. More money is received if they can say the child has special needs. well surprise surprise! the trauma of being torn from home and family qualifies as a special need.
The removal of the 18 month old child from a safe loving home is not in the best interests of the child so who's best interest is at play here? I for one am calling every senator and representative in Olympia and demanding a stop to state sanctioned baby selling. this is a nasty business DSHS is in and they need to clean up their act. Quit looking for the 'adoptable children to snatch and focus on helping those many children who are in dangerous homes where they are not being cared for or protected. we have definitely read about the horrible fate of some of these precious children who unfortunately weren't considered "adoptable and were left in or returned to unsafe enviornments or even worse placed into unsafe foster care. what about helping these kids instead of trying to break-up families where the kids aren't in danger of harm or neglect?