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Tacoma, Washington, United States

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Obama's Are Fleecing The American Taxpayers

This is just a little view into the care and concern the Obama White House has for the struggling American Taxpayers In the midst of this recession.

As first lady,  Laura Bush had 1 staff member.

Hillary Clinton had 3 staff members

Michele Obama's personal staff:

1. $172,200 - Sher, Susan (Chief Of Staff)

2. $140,000 - Frye, Jocelyn C. (Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Policy And Projects For The First Lady)

3. $113,000 - Rogers, Desiree G. (Special Assistant to the President and White House Social Secretary for Mrs. Obama)

4. $102,000 - Johnston, Camille Y. (Special Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the First Lady)

5. $100,000 - Winter, Melissa E. (Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)

6. $90,000 - Medina , David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)

7. $84,000 - Lel yveld, Catherine M. (Director and Press Secretary to the First Lady)

8. $75,000 - Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling and Advance for the First Lady)

9. $70,000 - Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Projects for the First Lady)

10. $65,000 - Burnough, Erinn J. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)

11. $64,000 - Reinstein, Joseph B. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)

12. $62,000 - Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and Events Coordinator For The First Lady)

13. $60,000 - Fitts, Alan O. (Deputy Director of Advance and Trip Director for the First Lady)

14. $57,500 - Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and Personal Aide to the First Lady)

15. $52,500 - Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press Secretary To The First Lady)

16. $50,000 - Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special Assistant for Scheduling and Traveling Aide To The First Lady)

17. $45,000 - Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence For The First Lady)

18. $43,000 - Tubman, Samanth a (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office)

19. $40,000 - Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)

20. $36,000 - Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary)

21. $35,000 - Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant)

22. $35,000 - Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence for the First Lady)


American taxpayers pay attention!, There has NEVER been ANYONE in the White House at any time who has created such an army of staffers whose sole duties are the facilitation of the First Lady's social life. One has to wonder why she needs so much help -- at taxpayer expense!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Letter From one 4th Grade Teacher to President Obama

This is one special lady who puts it all on the line to let this president know what she thinks. It's truely worth the read.

April 17, 2009

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

Mr. Obama:

I have had it with you and your administration, sir. Your conduct on your recent trip overseas has convinced me that you are not an adequate representative of the United States of America collectively or of me personally.

You are so obsessed with appeasing the Europeans and the Muslim world that
you have abdicated the responsibilities of the President of the United
States of America. You are responsible to the citizens of the United
States. You are not responsible to the peoples of any other country on
earth. I personally resent that you go around the world apologizing for the United States telling Europeans that we are arrogant and do not care about their status in the world. Sir, what do you think the First World War and the Second World War were all about if not the consideration of the peoples of Europe? Are you brain dead? What do you think the Marshall Plan was all about? Do you not understand or know the history of the 20th century?

Where do you get off telling a Muslim country that the United States does not consider itself a Christian country? Have you not read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States? This country was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics and the principles governing this country,
at least until you came along, come directly from this heritage. Do you not understand this?

Your bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia is an affront to all Americans. Our President does not bow down to anyone, let alone the king of Saudi Arabia. You didn't show Great Britain, our best and one of our oldest allies, the respect they deserve yet you bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia...How dare you, sir! How dare you!

You can't find the time to visit the graves of our greatest generation because you don't want to offend the Germans but make time to visit a mosque in Turkey...You offended our dead and every veteran when you give the Germans more respect than the people who saved the German people from themselves. What's the matter with you? I am convinced that you and the members of your administration have the historical and intellectual depth of a mud puddle and should be ashamed of yourselves, all of you...

You are so self-righteously offended by the big bankers and the American automobile manufacturers yet do nothing about the real thieves in this situation, Mr. Dodd, Mr. Frank, Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelic, the Fannie Mae bonuses, and the Freddie Mac bonuses. What do you intend to do about them? Anything? I seriously doubt it...

What about the U.S. House members passing out $9.1 million in bonuses to their staff members on top of the $2.5 million in automatic pay raises that lawmakers gave themselves? I understand the average House aide got a 17% bonus. I took a 5% cut in my pay to save jobs with my employer. You haven't said anything about that. Who authorized that? I surely didn't!

Executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be receiving $210 million in bonuses over an eighteen-month period, that's $45 million more than the AIG bonuses. In fact, Fannie and Freddie executives have already been awarded $51 million not a bad take. Who authorized that and why haven't you expressed your outrage at this group who are largely responsible for the economic mess we have right now?

I resent that you take me and my fellow citizens as brain-dead and not caring about what you idiots do. We are watching what you are doing and we are getting increasingly fed up with all of you.

I also want you to know that I personally find just about everything you do and say to be offensive to every one of my sensibilities. I promise you that I will work tirelessly to see that you do not get a chance to spend two terms destroying my beautiful country.


Every real American

Ms Kathleen Lyday

Fourth Grade Teacher

Grandview Elementary School

( Ihave removed her address and phone # to prevent harrassment.)

Beltway Sniper Jihadists? You be The Judge

Beltway Sniper Jihadists? You be The Judge

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Freedom ( dedicated to our fallen soldiers)

Precious as gold and more costly then diamonds, Americas freedom was bought with to a high price to let it be taken from us.

Many have died that we would be free

They gave their lives for our liberty.

The stars and stripes over our land do fly

And the cost in blood has been so high

Now you come with change you say

seeking to take our freedom away

You don’t seem to care about the strife and pain

I wonder what it is you seek to gain

Can’t you hear our voices shouting NO?

Give up our freedom? I don’t think so!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Where is The Commander in Chief? Our Troops Need Support

Update: President Obama did show up 5 day's after the fact for the memorial service.
His presence turned the service into a circus with all his "fans" using this to get their photo ops with Obama. No respect for the fallen or their families!

Troops slaughtered on American soil and the Commander in Chief Feels it is not important enough for him to go to Fort Hood To stand with the wounded? 29 wounded and 13 dead.

Major Nidal Hasan reportedly jumped up on a desk and shouted "Allahu akbar!" — Arabic for "God is great!" — at the start of last Thursday's attack. This is a hallmark of Jihadists when committing a suicide attack. Some associates and collegues of Hasan have stated that he espoused radical Islamic sentiments but no one felt free to do anything about it because they felt encumbered by the policies of "Political Correctness". They were afraid of being reprimanded for not being tolerant enough. That in it self is beyond disturbing. However, what is even more upsetting is the fact that our " Commander in Chief seemed unshaken by the attack on "his" troops at Fort Hood. In fact he chose to tell us not to jump to conclusions concerning the gunman. Is he sympathetic to the terrorist who is now being herald as a hero among other radical Islamists in our country? .

Has the president bothered to visit the true hero's, Police Sgt. Kimberly Munley and her partner Sgt. Mark Todd in the hospital Who were wounded while taking down the shooter? No! He has the time to travel to Arabia to bow to a foreign king and to head out to Egypt to to deny the Christian roots of our great nation But he just can't find the time to take a little trip to Fort Hood To encourage our troops and comfort the wounded.

Is our President to busy pushing through his political agenda on health-care to be bothered to step up as Commander in Chief and support our troops? Shouldn't he be a bit more concerned about the attack on a military base? After all being Commander in Chief is a big part of the job! Especially since we are AT WAR!!

If The head line was "Radical baptist attacks Mosque" I bet Mr. Obama would have been all over that one. He would be on Air-force one quick, fast and in a hurry to get to the site of the attack to encourage the victims and denounce the attacker. He would waste no time chastising Baptists for whatever radical doctrine, real or imagined, That would have led to the attack.

What kind of Commander and Chief Is he if he doesn't care about the slaughter of his troops? Am I the only one that has a problem with this?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

No health insurance? Fine or jail will be the consequences.

Did you Know that under the Health care plans from both the House and the Senate Insurance will be manditory for every American.
If you don't want or can't afford Their health care plan you will be "fined" ie; taxed up tp $38000. If you can't afford to pay the amount you will be jailed. This is no joke people. This mandated insurance is going to force people into a government controlled plan at taxpayers expense. Please demand to read the bill that they are trying to force on us and contact your senator and congressman to let them them know if they want to keep their job they need to vote no on this plan. I for one do not want the government dictating my healthcare. That is not acceptable.The bill that passed in the Senate also makes any government run plan immune from any legal recourse if they refuse to cover any proceedure or treatment and their refusal results in harm or death to the patient. This is crazy! all these people that want this plan to happen better read the bill . Many will change their minds when they see what this socialist mandate will actually do to the American people.