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Monday, September 21, 2009

Obama Breaks another promise!

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, swims like a duck  and quacks like a duck. I would venture to say it's a duck.

Obama PROMISED during his campaign that there would be no tax increases on the middle class. Mr. Obama, who opposed the insurance mandate during the 2008 presidential election, is singing a different tune. Now that he got into office he is all for it.

The insurance mandate is being criticized by lawmakers and Americans who say that the cost of coverage will amount to a new tax that would violate the president's campaign pledge against imposing new taxes on Americans who make under $250,000.  President Obama insists that forcing Americans to get health care  insurance or be fined by the IRS does not amount to a tax increase. Well, since when does the Government Involvement of the IRS have to do with anything but overt or under cover taxes?
Just because you call a duck a horse doesn't change the fact that the duck is still a duck!

In addition to ABC, CBS and NBC, Obama on Sept. 18 taped interviews broadcast today on CNN’s “State of the Union” and Univision’s “Al Punto, con Jorge Ramos.”
The president said  CBS' "Face the Nation" that he would keep his promise and that the cost of the bill - which he projects will cost $900 billion - can be covered by savings from the current health care system. This is not what the bill that the liberal democrats are trying to push through say's.

The Democrats say that  costs will be covered with  new tax revenue. House Democrats want an income-tax surcharge on those earning more than $1 million, President Obama wants to reduce the itemized deductions for wealthy taxpayers, and moderate Senate Democrats have talked about taxing the most costly of employer-provided health plans. The cost of covering the uninsured is separate from the related question of how to "bend the curve" of the country's overall health-care spending.

If Obama were promoting a full-scale government takeover of the healthcare industry, supporters and opponents a like would call the plan radical. Because he has framed his proposal as incremental change, most people are unaware of its implications.

By making  the "public option  appear less  costly to the consumer at first, Obama  is certain  many will flock to the new public insurance program. Advocates of government-run healthcare would claim “victory” and demand an expansion of it. Slowly but surely, private insurers would be supplanted by the public program and the takeover will be complete. The  new costs would be borne by taxpayers.

There is also another problem that the Obama administration wants to keep us in the dark about.
With the addition of this new entitlement (health "reform") our race to the destruction of the dollar is speeding forward. We are now printing unbacked currency to buy our own debt. Economists predict that in two years we will be looking at a very different America. frightening times may be ahead, along with  some serious lessons in economics that are being sadly neglected by this current administration..

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